
Osteoarthritis and Ayurveda

Osteoarthritis (OA), sometimes called degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis, is one of the commonest conditions of the joint. OA can affect any joint but it occurs most commonly in knees, hips, lower back and neck, small joints of fingers and the bases of thumbs and big toe. Let’s understand the anatomy of normal joint first. A normal joint is made up of two or more joints bound loosely together by either a covering or muscular thickenings. These joints contain a factor known as Kapha which is important to provide smooth surface for the movements of bones. This factor takes various forms in the joint. One of the forms is called articular cartilage. It is a firm rubbery material which acts as a cushion for bones, covering their ends. The Kapha in the joint also takes another form. Many joints are covered with synovial membrane which secretes fluid called synovial fluid. The synovial fluid has a lubricating function, as it provides an emulsion-like surface for the smooth gliding of bones.

What happens in Osteoarthritis?

In OA, the cartilage breaks down due to its degeneration. And why does this degeneration take place? The matter is that when the Kapha factor is decreased in the body, its place is taken up by the Vaata factor which is drying, making surfaces porous. Similarly, the synovial membrane reduces the production of the fluid. In OA, there is another phenomenon connected with inflammation. Now scientists believe that inflammation is the basic cause of OA. As the OA worsens over time, the cartilage breaks down, causing pain, swelling and problems in moving the joint. Bits of joint or cartilage can chip off and fluid around in the joint. The cytokines and other enzymes that are a part of inflammation, damage the cartilage further. In the final stages, the cartilage is completely destroyed and the bone starts rubbing over the bone. In a sense body’s natural shock absorbers are wearing and causing more physical toll during day-to-day activities. In addition, when a person loses muscle tone and bone strength due to ageing, the physical tasks can be more demanding.

Who are at risk?

Practically, half of the world!! Common factor for developing OA is age. Most people who have OA are above 55. Yet, other factors also play a major role.

Excess weight – Excessive weight means excessive load on the muscle and tendons, and bones and joints, obviously, causing extra wear and tear. When a person is obese, his channels are blocked. The channels are important for nutrition because the nutritive material from food passes through them, getting transported and transformed at the same time and reaching its final goal – bones and joints in this case. But, in obese patients, due to peculiarity of the metabolism these tissues are deprived and depleted, hence, they weaken further.

Family history – Of course, when we speak about OA, we should consider genes. But one must understand that presence of genes of OA in the body and their expression are two different things. Genes may carry information necessary for developing OA but unless and until that information expresses, the disease cannot be manifested. This expression of genes depends upon the internal environment of the body, mind and consciousness. The genes have a potential capacity to make changes in the body. But for these changes to occur there should be certain conducive environment in the body which is called aamaavastha in Ayurveda. This not only depends on what you eat but also how you eat, how you behave at home, in public, etc. So the effects of your actions on the mind and also the reactions of the mind to the actions of others definitely cause a change in the expression of genes. The food we consume, the exercise we do, our lifestyle, sexual indulgences, habits and addictions, our thoughts, happiness, positive feelings in our mind; all do play a role in this expression.

Occupations – Certain occupations, such as those in construction, agriculture, cleaning, retail, weight lifting etc. increase a person’s risk for developing OA. Obviously, these jobs need much more movements of the joints and sometimes in altogether odd positions.

How OA can be treated?

Though OA is part and parcel of ageing process, its treatment is possible and can be divided in 2 categories.

1) Preventive

2) Curative It is very important to control weight and prevent injuries to the joint – by the way of limiting risky activities. At the same time some positive actions can also be taken.

a) Regular abhyangam. Abhyangam, which is an ayurvedic oil massage, is a very good therapy to prevent as well as treat OA. Oil massage is found to be very effective in controlling pain on Visual analog scale (Kate Soden, Karen Vinosent et al. – article in Journal of Palliative Medicine) . According to Annals of Internal Medicine, a research undertaken in University of Colorado, Denver and Florida, confirmed that this kind of massage induces relaxation response, increased blood and lymphatic circulation, potentiation of analgesic effects, decreased inflammation and edema, increased endogenous endorphin release, and competing sensory stimuli to override pain stimuli . In Charaka Samhita , abhyanga therapy is mentioned as a regular procedure to slow down and stop (rectify) the ageing process. In the study published in the magazine Ayu, it was shown that abhyanga is useful in reducing pain in 85% of the subjects.

b) Kizhi is a procedure which involves application of medication in the form of small bundles tied in silk or cotton cloth. In the study done by Dr. Bhowya B. K. et al., published in Journal of Traditional Medicine and Clinical Naturopathy, this therapy was found statistically significant in all objective parameters. It also has anti-inflammatory property and the area in contact gets improved local-metabolism and relieved stiffness. Kizhi also helps to reduce the guarding by muscles around the joints , thereby reducing pain. The medicines which are heated or fried in oil and made into a bundle have an analgesic property. When this bundle is dipped in warm oil and applied on and around the joints, the overall effect of the warm oil and warm medicated juice, along with systematic application of strokes, is to relieve pain.

c) Basti or Vasti is an important procedure to reduce Vaata which is mainly responsible for degenerative disorders. It means expelling body toxins and vitiated doshas by introducing medicated liquids or oils. The medicine thus given is found to reach various tissues of the body. According to the study conducted by Gyanendra Shuhla on “pharmacodynamic understanding of Basti” and published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Archives, since the area of rectum is highly vascular, these unionized and lipid-soluble substances are readily absorbed directly into portal blood making them available throughout in body. The enteric nervous system (ENS) located in the intestines is a powerful mediator of many analgesic neurotransmitters. This ENS is stimulated by Basti medications relieving pain in OA.

d) Upanaha. The application of various medications in the form of hot paste around the joint is called Upanaha. This procedure stimulates the nerve endings and competes with pain carrying nerves and thus has analgesic effect. Nevertheless, it also causes reduction in the inflammatory process in the synovial membrane and cartilages, thereby slowing down the degeneration in OA.


Various treatment modalities for OA are being tried by various sciences throughout the world. If we take, for example, NSAIDs or Intra-articular injections, it must be said they have their own side effects. So much so that, NSAIDs are one of the major causes of ICU admissions in UK. Intra-articular injections on long term damage the joints. Acupressure or acupuncture can be helpful in relieving pain but it does not halt the degeneration. Ayurveda gives profound results in treating OA when coupled with yoga. Ayurvedic procedures and medications are not only analgesic and anti-inflammatory but they are also helpful in restoring the joint degeneration, articular breakages and synovial swellings. Ayurveda therapies aim to strengthen the Kapha in the body and, as a result, heal the joint from within. But I would say rather than waiting OA to occur, if we start regular Panchakarma and other Ayurveda therapies, we prevent not only OA but many other old age related debilitating diseases like blindness!

Dr. Pranav Bhagwat .


What is Garbhasanskar?

Garbhasanskar is a Sanskrit term, which literally means ‘education in the womb’. It is traditionally believed that a child’s mental and behavioural development starts as soon as he is conceived. His personality begins to take shape in the womb, and this can be influenced by the mother’s state of mind during pregnancy. This knowledge can be traced back to ancient scriptures and is included in the Vedas.

In the Hindu epic, Mahabharata, there was a warrior named Abhimanyu who is said to have learnt a war skill when he was in the womb of her mother. He could only learn to decode and enter the trap because by that time her mother felt asleep. This was one of the reasons why he was killed because he did not know how to come out of the trap.

According to Garbha sanskar, your baby is able to sense and respond to outside influences like music and other sounds as well as your thoughts and feelings. That is why well-meaning elders in the family, talk about the importance of staying positive and relaxed during pregnancy.

Scientific Evidence

The popularity of garbh sanskar is also because researchers have proved that a baby inside the mother’s womb responds to the outside stimulus and has the ability to listen. Doctors and experts confirm that there is a significant effect of the hormonal secretions that are activated by the thoughts of a mother on the unborn baby.

Thus, Dr. Stephen Carr Leon from Califonia investigated the Jewish culture, religion and initial preparation of pregnancy during 8 years in order to find out why Jews are ahead in all aspects of life, such as engineering, music, science and most obviously in business.

In Israel, the first thing he noticed is that a pregnant mother would always sing and play the piano because according to Jewish scientists, the vibrations of music would stimulate the brain. During the whole period of pregnancy women would also try to solve mathematics problems together with their husbands, thus training the child still in womb so that it would be a genius later on.

Another thing is about the Jewish food. The pregnant women eat almonds and dates with milk. For lunch they would take bread & fish (without the head), salad mixed with almonds & other nuts. They believe fish is good for the development of the brain and that the fish head is bad for the brain. And also it is in the culture of the Jews for pregnant mothers to take cod liver oil. They would always eat fruits first before the main meal. Their belief is that if you eat the main meal first (like bread or rice) then fruits, this will make us feel sleepy and dull.

Furthermore, in Israel, smoking is a taboo. If you are a guest, don’t smoke in their house, they would politely ask you to go out to smoke. According to scientists in Universities in Israel, nicotine would destroy cells in our brain and will affect the genes & DNA, resulting in generations of moron or defective brain.

Dr. Stephen Carr Leon states that diet and lifestyle bring lots of geniuses among the Jews. Can we produce intelligent generations just like the Jews?

The answer could be yes. We need to change our daily habits of eating and parenting, maybe within 3 generations may all of us be in peace and succeed in producing future geniuses for the betterment of humankind no matter who you are!

To a very great extent all this is mentioned and emphasized in Vedas. The general concepts of having fruits or sweets before the main meal are always there but nowadays hardly followed. The same can be said about reciting of mantras and music in Indian culture. Practicing yoga is highly necessary for brain development. As to Garbhasankar, this science tells precisely about food, lifestyle, yoga and psychological health.

Let’s try to follow this again.

How does Garbhasanskar work?

To help a mother remain in the best possible frame of mind in the interest of her growing baby, Garbhasanskar suggests a set of daily practices.

This includes reading or seeing things that make you happy, communicating with your baby, performing spiritual activities, massaging gently. Many parents found this interesting and felt quite satisfied too. In fact, this has a great impact on the health of the mother also. The positive thinking and attitude promotes physical wellbeing of the mother.

Development of parent-foetus bonding

The techniques involve meditation, autosuggestion, self-hypnosis, and visualisation (including the highly-effective white light visualisation and benevolence beaming technique), establishing a dialogue with the foetus.

Positive Thinking

Remember that even before the thought is expressed, it remains in an unexpressed form in the mind. At that time, its wavelength is the shortest and its energy is at the maximum level. Intentional, directed, selfless, unspoken thoughts lead to maximum sanskar on the foetus.

Effect of music

Sound of mother’s heartbeats is the first and nearest sound heard by the foetus and hence when the mother takes her crying child close to her the child stops crying and becomes calm. It is possible to give energy for the development of body, mind and soul of the child in the womb by listening to special music. The sound of the veena (Indian string instrument which is held by the Goddess Saraswati), flute and Samaveda mantras gives health to the pregnant woman and the child within.


Avoid very spicy or fermented food items during this period for better physical, emotional and spiritual health of the baby.


Prenatal yoga will be of great help here. Take help from an expert and do yoga asanas under his supervision only.


Breathing techniques and meditation also help in developing positive thoughts and will make you feel good from within.

Herbal Medication

Two herbal Ghees (Medicated ghee – Base is Cow’s ghee) are recommended starting from the 4th and up to the 9th month of pregnancy. This medicine is supposed to be effective in the development of mental faculties and all bodily systems in the foetal baby. Moreover, it prevents congenital abnormalities and anemia in mother bringing good fortunes to the child. At length, ghee prepared in a special way helps to a full term normal delivery.

Garbhasanskar in Oorja Wellness Center

Dr. Sneha Bhagavat, the medical director of Oorja Wellness Center, who specializes in neonatology and works in cooperation with her husband, a highly regarded doctor of ayurvedic medicine, is pleased to note that there is a growing number of couples who would like to learn family planning and make their parentship a happy experience reducing anxiety and distress. On the other hand, we should keep in mind that it is not just a private affair but our mutual concern for the wellbeing of mankind. As statistics show, the infant mortality in developing countries is still alarmingly high. And in Dr. Sneha’s opinion, garbhasanskar could be a means of solving the problem.

Drs. Sneha and Pranav Bhagavat can proudly say that they have created an up-to-date infant care system and many of their patients have expressed gratitude for their skill and support. The advanced job methods followed in Oorja allow switching from cure to care which implies that the client is not charged for service but for value.

Dr. Sneha has already assisted many couples in conceiving and delivering a child and thus gained recognition in traditional neonatal science on a governmental scale. Now Dr. Sneha feels that her nearest aim is to convey this superior knowledge to other peoples and countries and to set up a franchise. And she has a strong belief that she will find medical and marketing experts able to comprehend, evaluate and develop this beneficial approach to conception, pregnancy and baby care as well as to customize it in a proper way.


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DATE- 04th NOVEMBER 2016

TIME-10am – 4pm097 037

An ayurvedic health checkup camp was held in Dabhal, Goa, India by “Oorja wellness centre”  in association of   Goa Multi-Faculty College, N.S.S. Unit on 04th November 2016. The camp was headed by Dr. Sneha Bhagwat along with the associated team of doctor and staffs from oorja wellness centre.

Free consultancy and diagnosis along with ayurvedic medicines were provided to  patients at the camp. Facilities such as blood sugar test and blood pressure checkup were also made available. A large number of the health seekers  (98no.) from the village got benefited from this camp and got awareness of Role of Ayurveda in maintenance of health.

A detailed, simplified lecture was given by Dr.Sneha Bhagwat on “DIET – A ESSENTIAL TOOL TO HEALTHY LIFE”, followed by question answer session to the students of N.S.S. Unit from Goa Multi-Faculty College.

The N.S.S. unit team provided great support and cooperation during the camp, making it successful. The head from the N.S.S. thanked and felicitated the Oorja wellness centre team.



Arrival of monsoon announces array of hope, declares the birth of the beautiful. The mother earth literally baths in bliss and so should be body.

Monsoon is the best season for the certain Ayurveda treatments as the body is more receptive for the medicines during this month. Because of the changes in weather, the human body tends to land into disharmony, especially in relation to muscular system, joint system and nervous system. These systems go weaker in the monsoons and hence needs special attention. When subjected with the special therapies devised for this season, these ailments are treated with higher efficacy.

A monsoon treatment (KARKIDAKA TREATMENTS as called in Kerala) typically goes for 10-14 days. These are various Panchakarmas including massages and steam therapies along with a special food preparation called as KARKIDAKA Kanji.

This year at Oorja Wellness Centre, Comba, Margao; we start this treatment from the second week of July till second week of August.

Especially for the patients of – arthritis, spine and disk disorders, obesity, back pains, knee pains and also who would like to cleanse their body to prevent these diseases, this is a welcome chance!!!!!!!



Memory enhancement program.

What is the need?

  • Intellectual performance plays a major role in all fields
  • It is the only tool for sure success
  • Can make proper decisions
  • Achieve respect in society
  • Arrive at seniority
  • Money
  • Overall bright future

Three Steps Of Improving Brain Functions

  • Grasping
  • Storing
  • Recall

Acquisition of Knowledge:  Sense organs

  • The 1st step in Memory enhancement.
  • Dependent on 5 Sense organs.
  • Clean and adequately lubricated.
  • Helps proper neurotransmission from environment to the brain.
  • External devices for acquisition.
  • Common cold affects the sense of smell to the brain.

Nose: The most important organ for various brain activities. It is the gateway to brain. Smell is stored almost exclusively in the long-term memory. Smells stimulate learning and information. Edwin Morris noted that a list of words was recalled much more easily and retained better when olfactory information was given along with a word list.

Nose, the gateway…

Sensory cells are closely packed along the nasal-membrane lining, and convert scent to chemical messages transmitted to the olfactory bulb region of the brain.

Nasal medication

  • ?????????????????????????????????????? | ???? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ????? ????
  • For supraclavicular diseases, nasal medication is best. Nose is the only door of administering medicine, hence such diseases are perfectly treated only with nasal route.

Nutrition to Human brain

  • Book gives all the research data towards importance of Lipids in Brain development.

DHA and Memory

  • A brain wave ‘p300’ is linked to memory and learning. The faster the rate of transmission, the brain functions more efficiently. Researchers took 26 volunteers hooked them with electrodes and checked their p300 rate. Immediately after taking the test, they were given DHA (derivative of Omega-3). Two hours later, their brain waves were measured, and this time the p300 rate was significantly faster in the group. This supports importance of lipids in the neuro transmission.
  • Myanaga, K., K. Yonemura, and K. Yazawa.

      International Conference on Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Nutrition and Disease Prevention. 1996 Barcelona, Spain.

Connections of Nose

  • Eyes: Through the lacrimal ducts.
  • Ears: Through the Eustachian tube
  • Throat: Directly from Naso-pharynx
  • Brain: Via Olfactory apparatus

Hence it is directly connected to major organs involved in the sensory system for acquisition of information.

Nasal absorption studies

  • The nasal route is being studied for the administration of systemically active drugs because delivery is convenient, reliable and rapid. It was absorbed rapidly after nasal administration with peak concentration in1.5 min. The nasal bioavailability of NXX-066 was 100 ± 30 %
  • Ref: Maria Dahlin and Erik Björk

      Department of Pharmacy, Division of Pharmaceutics, Uppsala University, Biomedical Center, SE-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden.

Cleverin Nasal-Drops Cow ghee + saffron

  • ????? ?? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????? ????????? ….
  • Meaning: Cow ghee is best for grasping, storing and recall process of brain. It also improves appetite, physical strength, vigor and eyesight.

Cleverin Nasal-Drops Cow ghee + saffron

  • Blue and white light selectively induce rod and cone cell death in an in vitro model. Crocin (Active from Saffron) protects retinal photo receptors against light-induced cell death.

Ref. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006 Jul; 47 (7) :3156-63.

Ayurveda describes Saffron + Ghee Nasya

   ?????????? :  Retinal disease caused due to extreme illumination.

Attributes of Nasya

  • The nasya dravya (medicine) acts by reaching ‘Sringataka marma'(a main vital point situated on the surface of the brain corresponding to the nerve centres, which consisting of nerve cells and fibres responsible for the function of speech Broca’s Centre, vision, hearing, taste and smell). From where it spreads into various strotasas (vessels and nerves) and brings out vitiated doshas from the head.
  • Effect of kumkumadi taila marsha nasya in the Management of vyanga.

Cleverin: Mode of action

  • Protects the neurons from oxidation of stress.
  • Properly lubricates the neuronal passage.
  • Improves oxygenated blood flow to the brain.
  • Strengthens the grasping capability of the brain.



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